This article by the Spartacus Project of Nevada was originally published on MaketheWallsTransparent.org here, on August 22nd, 2009.
For the record, in my opinion, you are cowards. To make my point, I will address a couple items that should have you poor feeble-minded parasites howling with anger at our state correctional administrators, including the governor and the prison commissioners.
In High Desert State Prison, I have an affidavit in my possession stating the bad behavior of one Officer W, who indulges in illegal and destructive cell searches–by tearing up legal materials needed for court or appeals of the prisoners, and the destruction of anything he deems wrongly possessed–example: Family photographs, some of departed family, friends and loved ones. Purchases from the prisoner canteen. Apparently, this destructive asshole does so with the permission of his superiors and the complete lack of concern from the warden. This type of stupidity is conducive of the destructive burning of prisons, by inmates that can’t take the abuse anylonger–and it looks to many on the outside that this is what the Nevada Department of Corrections is aiming to have happen, because this type behavior continues at all Nevada Prisons.
Additionally, I have affidavits from Lovelock Prison stating the very same abuses from Officer, B, D, and T, for their destructive cell searches. Coupled with threats of hole time for infractions that never happened, or would ever happen, and demanding prisoners help these officers plant illegal devices in cells of the officer’s appointed victims. This agressive and abusive and illegal behavior by guards is a threat to all inmates living under these conditions. It could cost some prisoners their lives.
Let’s continue to look at Lovelock, Nevada, (A medium security Prison) and a warden who has his head under his ass, who permits officer B, officer D & officer T to threaten prisoners to plant knives in other prisoner’s cells, or else these prisoners will suffer these scum officers wrath. A very large offense to the victims of this outrage, and years in the hole, and the denial of any chance of parole–because there is no leadership in this prison, and none is ever going to emerge.
Hell, if anyone believes the director of prisons, one Howard Skolnut, oops director, Howard skolnik, is any type leader–has their head in the same place Lovelock’s Warden, Jack Palmer, has his head. This secret society of prisons conditions is appalling and needs change.
Yesterday, August 18th, 2009 a prisoner who has had enough of this out in the open abuse, reported to a case worker, the abuses that were occurring and have been occurring at Lovelock, State Prison, This prisoner was assurred by said caseworker that he would make this concern to the Warden in the morning of the 19th of August, 2009. Personally! On the morning of the 19th of August, 2009, the case worker spoke to the informative prisoner and stated. “The warden was informed and the men wanting to expose this abuse would be spoken to by the warden and the investigative branch of the prison system”.
This never happen, but the caseworker and the officer involved, one officer B was observed being spoken to by the case worker in his office for approximately 15 minutes.
As of 6:00PM on this date 19th of August, 2009, nothing has been asked of the Lovelock prisoners, nor has the officer been removed from the prison. The three above named officers, and possibly, other officers, may not be fired due to their union contract, but they should be placed outside of the prison to never be in contact with any prisoner in the future–ever again!
Let me tie this abusive behavior together, so the public may be more fully aware. Officer B is awaiting a call to become a police officer, expecting this call in about a month. He then, comes in contact with the general public. Won’t all you fun loving public haters of prison inmates love having a man who manufactures evidence against someone that is totally innocent. What if it is against your grandchildren? Your children? Your parents? Maybe, even–yourself? How does that feel?
Think you may want to be come interested in solving a problem by becoming active in prison reform? Why not? With Officer B on the prowl out side of your homes–you might be in the very prison cells I ‘m speaking of tonight.
Oh, yes, Officer B is 23 years old.
Where are the news outlets in this state that have an ounce of integrity and courage enough to help rid Nevada of this dirty organization. Where are the men of the past like Hank Greenspun, or Michael O’Callanhan? Men who would never let this happen and continue to happen–if they were aware!
I’d call on our government officials, but those gutless varmits are part of the problem. Look at the legislators–a bigger bunch of cowards never lived. Protecting their rich friends, and nothing more. And, of course, themselves! Look to the university law school or the journalistic classes and their professors. Not likely. Their silence is part of the problem.
Nevada have you no pride to defend a group of people that are abused? Never let me hear this country speak of Civil Rights Abuses of other countries. Folks, you have your own Abu Ghraid, Guantanamo Bay, Russia’s Gulags, and Iran, China and Iraqi right under your noses and are afraid to look and see what you see, and correct it.
What has this country become? IS IT REALLY A NATION OF COWARDS?
Donald Hinton, Sr.
Director, Spartacus Project of Nevada