Friday, November 20, 2009

It is time for this abuse and foolishness to stop!

I have corresponded with Mr. Redman in the past. His crime was terrible, but he deserved better than what he got from Ely State Prison and E. K. McDaniels, warden of that sump hole prison. Mr. Redman's treatment is pervasive throughout the Nevada Prison System, and there are many examples to show this treatment is extensive. Revert back for a moment to the Report of Doctor Noel on Ely State Prison's medical treatment of prisoners--that were left to literally rot to death, because the prison's medical staff, and the warden, refused to give medication to prisoners.

Tim Redman was a young man when his crime was committed and received no help while in prison. Tim needed psychiatric help, not murdered by the hands of his keepers. His death was calculated and preventable. This is what Nevada has to look forward to today and in the future: "Murdered in Nevada's prisons by Nevada Department of Corrections guards and administrators".

Nevada's Department of Correction, their employees and their director is beyond disgraceful--they are pathetic, and Nevada's voters are permitting this behavior to continue. Aren't we all so proud? OK, Nevadan's, remember this: "Paybacks are a bitch".

The picture we display of Mr. Redman, where the side of his face is torn off, was obtained by Ms. Mercedes Maharis, of the Spartacus Project of Nevada--from the district court in Ely, Nevada. This photo was labeled by Warden, E.K. McDaniels, of Ely State Prison: as "a trophy photograph".

Way to go State of Nevada! Aren't we the proud Nevada Citizens to have such great wardens and employees of the Department of Corrections? One could almost wonder how these men, Nevada's correctional guards and wardens, treat their wives and families--couldn't one? We know how they treat Nevada's prisoners.

Does any citizen believe this type treatment towards prisoners is going to make them safer from the prisoners scheduled for release--when they are released from prison, with $20.00 in their pockets to start their lives over? Wake up Nevadan's--this is your tax dollars going down into the pockets of the Department of Correction's pay checks. You are not getting a good return on your dollars.

The harsh reality of life is the example you see everyday. Do you want this same treatment the prisoners receive from Nevada's prisons to be brought home to your parents, grand parent and/or children, and possibly--YOU? Only you can stop this abuse, before it is at your door step, thanks to the department of corrections. You might want to think about this for a minute--it is just a heart beat away. It is time to get this Idiot Governor to wake up to the reality of what is being done to Nevada's prisoners by way of "Legal Rehabilitation". He needs to fire the entire department of correction's administrators and many guards, and start over with decent human beings as "keepers of Nevada's errant ones". If not, do not expect things to get better and your tax dollars going to more deserving programs.

It is time for this abuse and foolishness to stop!

Donald Hinton. Sr., Director
Spartacus Project of Nevada

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

To: All state-paid-parasitic-public-administrators & legislators, and the silent free press

This article by the Spartacus Project of Nevada was originally published on here, on August 22nd, 2009.

For the record, in my opinion, you are cowards. To make my point, I will address a couple items that should have you poor feeble-minded parasites howling with anger at our state correctional administrators, including the governor and the prison commissioners.

In High Desert State Prison, I have an affidavit in my possession stating the bad behavior of one Officer W, who indulges in illegal and destructive cell searches–by tearing up legal materials needed for court or appeals of the prisoners, and the destruction of anything he deems wrongly possessed–example: Family photographs, some of departed family, friends and loved ones. Purchases from the prisoner canteen. Apparently, this destructive asshole does so with the permission of his superiors and the complete lack of concern from the warden. This type of stupidity is conducive of the destructive burning of prisons, by inmates that can’t take the abuse anylonger–and it looks to many on the outside that this is what the Nevada Department of Corrections is aiming to have happen, because this type behavior continues at all Nevada Prisons.

Additionally, I have affidavits from Lovelock Prison stating the very same abuses from Officer, B, D, and T, for their destructive cell searches. Coupled with threats of hole time for infractions that never happened, or would ever happen, and demanding prisoners help these officers plant illegal devices in cells of the officer’s appointed victims. This agressive and abusive and illegal behavior by guards is a threat to all inmates living under these conditions. It could cost some prisoners their lives.

Let’s continue to look at Lovelock, Nevada, (A medium security Prison) and a warden who has his head under his ass, who permits officer B, officer D & officer T to threaten prisoners to plant knives in other prisoner’s cells, or else these prisoners will suffer these scum officers wrath. A very large offense to the victims of this outrage, and years in the hole, and the denial of any chance of parole–because there is no leadership in this prison, and none is ever going to emerge.

Hell, if anyone believes the director of prisons, one Howard Skolnut, oops director, Howard skolnik, is any type leader–has their head in the same place Lovelock’s Warden, Jack Palmer, has his head. This secret society of prisons conditions is appalling and needs change.

Yesterday, August 18th, 2009 a prisoner who has had enough of this out in the open abuse, reported to a case worker, the abuses that were occurring and have been occurring at Lovelock, State Prison, This prisoner was assurred by said caseworker that he would make this concern to the Warden in the morning of the 19th of August, 2009. Personally! On the morning of the 19th of August, 2009, the case worker spoke to the informative prisoner and stated. “The warden was informed and the men wanting to expose this abuse would be spoken to by the warden and the investigative branch of the prison system”.

This never happen, but the caseworker and the officer involved, one officer B was observed being spoken to by the case worker in his office for approximately 15 minutes.

As of 6:00PM on this date 19th of August, 2009, nothing has been asked of the Lovelock prisoners, nor has the officer been removed from the prison. The three above named officers, and possibly, other officers, may not be fired due to their union contract, but they should be placed outside of the prison to never be in contact with any prisoner in the future–ever again!

Let me tie this abusive behavior together, so the public may be more fully aware. Officer B is awaiting a call to become a police officer, expecting this call in about a month. He then, comes in contact with the general public. Won’t all you fun loving public haters of prison inmates love having a man who manufactures evidence against someone that is totally innocent. What if it is against your grandchildren? Your children? Your parents? Maybe, even–yourself? How does that feel?

Think you may want to be come interested in solving a problem by becoming active in prison reform? Why not? With Officer B on the prowl out side of your homes–you might be in the very prison cells I ‘m speaking of tonight.

Oh, yes, Officer B is 23 years old.

Where are the news outlets in this state that have an ounce of integrity and courage enough to help rid Nevada of this dirty organization. Where are the men of the past like Hank Greenspun, or Michael O’Callanhan? Men who would never let this happen and continue to happen–if they were aware!

I’d call on our government officials, but those gutless varmits are part of the problem. Look at the legislators–a bigger bunch of cowards never lived. Protecting their rich friends, and nothing more. And, of course, themselves! Look to the university law school or the journalistic classes and their professors. Not likely. Their silence is part of the problem.

Nevada have you no pride to defend a group of people that are abused? Never let me hear this country speak of Civil Rights Abuses of other countries. Folks, you have your own Abu Ghraid, Guantanamo Bay, Russia’s Gulags, and Iran, China and Iraqi right under your noses and are afraid to look and see what you see, and correct it.

What has this country become? IS IT REALLY A NATION OF COWARDS?

Donald Hinton, Sr.
Director, Spartacus Project of Nevada

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Las Vegas Sun: Prison chief: 7 staff members accused of felonies (plus comments of the Spartacus Project)

From: Las Vegas Sun

Prison chief: 7 staff members accused of felonies

By Cy Ryan
Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009 | 3:31 p.m.
CARSON CITY – Inmates in the Nevada state prison system aren’t the only ones who have had brushes with the law.

There have been seven felony arrests of prison staff in recent months. One of the officers was charged with armed robbery and attempted assault on a law enforcement officer. That alleged offense occurred in Nye County.

Howard Skolnik, director of the state Department of Corrections, said he has a “serious problem” in Clark County where 29 correctional officers have been terminated. He said these were both probation and full-time officers.

“There’s 180,000 hours worth of training going out the window,” Skolnik told a Thursday meeting of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. “There are weaknesses in doing our background checks."

The commission, at its first meeting since the Legislature, elected Assemblyman William Horne, D-Las Vegas, as chairman succeeding Chief Justice James Hardesty. Horne said one of the priorities of the commission this time will be victims’ rights.
The commission re-elected Attorney General Catherine Masto as chairwoman of the subcommittee on victims of crime, and Sen. David Parks, D-Las Vegas, as selected chairman of the subcommittee on Juvenile Justice.

Skolnik told the commission there was a “pattern” of inmates who are released from the prison in Susanville, Calif., ending up in Reno. He said some of those freed from prison in Los Angeles will travel to Las Vegas.

“I suspect they will have an impact on us,” he said.
But Bernard Curtis, chief of the state Division of Parole and Probation, said Nevada transports several hundred more out of state than Nevada receives from other states.
Skolnik told the commission that the prison system is about 300 inmates below what was budgeted.

He said he hopes to know within 90 days about plans to lease the closed-down Southern Nevada Correctional Center in Clark County to a firm called Geo for $2.5 million a year.

He said Geo wants to do some cosmetic and upgrades but he wants to make sure the state can take back the prison within 180 days if there is a major increase in the number of inmates.


Comments by Spartacus Project:

11/14/09 at 12:49 a.m

To All concerned:

Some of these comments are right on! Others not so much.
First: To be a correctional Guard means you need psychiatric help. Nothing short of a very sick parasite would place himself/herself in a prison setting 8 to 12 hours on a daily basis.

Second: For this sick and weak person who needs a uniform to become an authoritative figure, who commands complete respect from people who can out think him/her at very turn, is a person who in need of his mommy. The correctional guards thinking is on the level of a first grader, and their thought process is that of an imbecile, following the idiotic rules of their administrative leaders.

Third: Most, if not all prison administrators, are in need of a good ass whipping--for their abusive restrictions on prisoners. Yeah, I know you think that's wrong, but go to some of the prison commissioner's meeting, and witness first hand the intellect of these leaders. Your children would puke on this wisdom!

Forth: Treatment by these intellectually deprived guards is what is taken to the outside when these prisoners are released. Why should that matter? It is you, the tax payer/citizen, that takes the hits of these men/women after release. The guard is still protected by other fools in their little prison womb. You are not! Maybe as a citizen you should remember that?

Lastly, as a comment of good standing: "Wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall of one of the homes where these pathetic guards live--and witness the conversations with their families at dinner time"? It must be hysterical.

Yeah, Honey, I told this really tough guy that I run this place and you'll do whatever I tell you to do. And, after he complied, he cried like a baby--when me and my buddies beat him with our sticks and blasted him with mace. "WE" really showed this guy. You should have been there. I'd have shown you and the kids how to run a prison. And, when it was over "WE" wrote him a infraction violation, which should get him about a year in the hole. Yeah, I'm good.

And, as a personal comment, he is as good as my male pit bull that breeds his own pups!

11/14/09 at 2:39 a.m.

Sorry, I have to come back and point out the interesting comments made by the Director of Prisons. Who fails to mention that he is the responsible person who sets the policy on hiring new personnel. Shouldn't he be taking the responsibility for these failed 180,000 hours of correctional training. After all, he is the paid person on this job. In fact, $130,000.00 a year. And, as taxpayers, we, the citizens, are the payee of this failure of a man to do his job. Did I miss the point?
Now, we have the newly elected legislative chairperson, by others on the Advisory Committee, who states for all to hear this committee will only concern themselves on victims rights. Has this near sighted legislative parasite, my opinion, ever considered the word "JUSTICE"?

Why doesn't this state ever consider justice as a worthy word--when it comes to Nevada's judicial system. Nevada has many innocent persons in their prison system. If, you don't know this to be true, you shouldn't be reading this article.
Nevada's Attorney General, who represents all Nevadan's, but not really. Is a disgrace to the word justice, again--my opinion, as she also chairs some committee on Victims Rights. Think this might be a conflict of interest?

Nevada's bums have found a real place to collect their salaries--and condemn many innocent people to a life of incarceration and slavery, all in the name of safety for Nevadan's citizens. And, if you believe that, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn. Nevada's prison system is nothing but job security for prison administrators and guards--all at the taxpayer's expense.

As a question: "Do you readers think it is just a joke that the OATH KEEPER'S have chartered up"? If, you are not familiar with this group of military and police seekers of Justice--you need to investigate them, and learn for yourselves what they are all about. Only you make the difference.

As a last comment on the prison commissioner's and the treatment of Nevada prisoners--listen to this: Nevada Prisoner's are fed on a daily diet of $1.27 a day. That is all inclusive for three meals. In some prisons in Nevada that is daily sack meals. And, locked down 24/7 for years. However, the feeding of the horses in this prison setting is $2.50 daily.

Still proud of your Nevada Prison System and their treatment of Nevada's prisoners? Someday, these men and women will be, once again, your salesmen, your landscapers, your car washers. your builders, your garage mechanics, your painters and your neighbors. Next time one of these men, or women, smash your face in--or kill your son or daughter, remember this is the type treatment he or she received while in prison and learned by example from our Nevada administrators and guards.

Maybe, it is time to rid ourselves of these pathetic parasites, and start over in our hiring process of decent human beings, who have a clear understanding of what is needed to correct human behavior--properly!

11/14/09 at 3:15 a.m.

To All Concerned:

Just for a minute, let's consider the guards at Lovelock State Prison, who have been conducting themselves in a disgraceful manner--by demanding prisoners place, in other prisoner's cells, contraband and knives--so said guards could find and charge said prisoners for this phony crime. This "alleged crime" could cost this prisoner years in the hole, or a lost parole date, or even a new sentence by a court.

This is what we pay our prison administrators to supervise. These guards are felons, and they act as felons. They need to be in a cell as well as some of Nevada's other prisoners. In fact, I'm going to help these felon guards get that needed cell.

I have made aware the prison administrators of this behavior. I succeeded in only getting the prisoners involved, who refused to participate in this felony behavior, transferred to another state institution, and placed in the hole for 60 days. At my constant nagging about disgraceful behavior by administrators, the men were transferred back to Lovelock--exonerated of any wrong doing, but the guards were not sanctioned. They are prancing around as though they are exempted from wrong doing.
I couldn't get an article in the news papers or the TV stations of this felony behavior, but maybe this comment will help get it out that there is a cover up at our prisons--at the highest level.

For the record: I finally went to the Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney General and the FBI. I have an appointment with the FBI on Monday for the filing of a complaint on these guards and the administrators. It will be filed under Public Corruption. What I couldn't get the Nevada Prison System to clean up--the Federal Government will do for them, and possibly, charge the prison administrators, too.
The point here is this: Nevada Prison Administrators piss off other parents--and let's rock! All of us will not place our heads under your feet.

Shame on our Nevada's News Media for being so cowardly in helping to stop the felony behavior of our parasitic guards and prison administrators, by ducking this issue. Has the State of Nevada paid for your silence? Just asking? I know how it appears to me!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Conditions at SDCC (2008)

This is a letter from an inmate at Southern Desert Correctional Center (SDCC), Indian Springs, NV, about the deteriorating conditions there:

September 12, 2008

To: Mr. Donald Hinton Spartacus Project

Dear Don:

I am writing to make you aware of what is happening at Southern Desert Correctional Center (SDCC), Indian Springs, NV, with the hope that you can confront the appropriate authorities and politicians to improve our situation. You may already be aware of some of these things, and some are specific to SDCC where our living conditions have steadily deteriorated at the direction of Warden Brian Williams and his assistants.

1. Parole hearings are now being conducted in absentia and almost no one is being paroled, and certainly not one year prior to expiration as directed by legislature. The system is clogged up as ever and they are just perpetuating the problem by not paroling people, as they will just have to see them again in a year or two. The absentia hearings are taking place many months after the eligibility dates, but the dumps are effective from the late hearing date, not the original eligibility date.

2. Good time credit is still not being given day for day. They are giving 6 credits per month instead of 10 days, or 12 credits instead of 20 days, depending on the circumstances.

3. Overcrowding has become a real problem at SDCC since they built two new housing units, adding 500 more inmates to the yard with no additional support services, resulting
a. Culinary being so busy trying to keep up that it takes hours to feed all the inmates.
They have even resorted to handing out sack lunches at breakfast to try to keep up. The quality and quantity of food has been cut, I guess to try to save on road costs, leaving hungry inmates.

b. An overwhelmed Medical department with one doctor, one dentist, and an eye doctor that comes in one or two days a month, to service 2.300 inmates… They were already besieged before adding the extra inmates, now it is completely out-of-hand having to wait months on end for an appointment.

c. The Education department was not large enough to handle the amount of inmates before the new housing units were added, now it too is completely overwhelmed with people having to wait forever to get into a class. Vocational students who have their high school diploma but need additional training, such as computers, have no hope of getting a class.

d. Visiting times have been cut substantially because they don't have enough room to accommodate everyone. Someone wanting to visit has to make an appointment a week in advance and can only visit for a morning or afternoon, not the entire day. People are not allowed to use the visiting patio anymore, further diminishing the amount of visitors that can be accommodated. People are being denied visits because there is not enough room.

e. Yard Time bas been reduced significantly since Brian Williams took over. The yard used to be open to each unit as they were released for chow. Now the yard is not opened until all units have been fed, and considering the extra time it now takes to feed a11 these inmates, we get less than half the yard time we used to get. They have also reduced the number of days that each unit gets yard time to cut down on the amount of inmates on the yard at any one time, again a result of the overpopulation. Inmates are also being made late to class and their programming activities because the yard does not open on time.

4. Convenience Bed Moves are no longer allowed, so if eel1mates are not getting along, the only alternative is to go to the hole. This policy results in violence and makes living conditions unbearable in certain conditions. Convenience bed moves were accommodated until Brian Williams got here.

5. Outcounts so that inmates can remain at their job during the 11 :15 a.m. count time instead of having to return to their unit has been eliminated, wasting valuable work time and putting a strain on free staff and the inmate workers because they can't keep up with their workload. 1 to 1-1/2 hours a day is being wasted.

6. Door calls have been instituted where inmates can only enter or leave their housing unit during a ten minute time span on the hour and half hour. Inmates are being made late for appointments and other obligations, and if they have to leave work to get their latmdry or store purchases, they have to wait to get in and out oftheir unit to put their things in their cell, making them lose more worklprogramming time. To make matters more diffieult, some guards are not keeping to tbe established door eaU sehedule and only open them when and if they feellike it.

7. The Package Program where inmate's families could order clothing and food items for them twice a year has been eliminated. Clothing items have also been eliminated from the inmate store, so no clothing can be purchased at all. This is only going to cost the state more money having to provide clothing that most inmates used to buy. There are also rumors that they are going to put all inmates in jumpsuits, which will cause a rebellion as many will not tolerate this humiliation.

8. The Inmate Store and Coffee Shop have both been forced to substantially cut down the food items available for purchase. Inmates that can afford it buy most of their food from the stores because the culinary food is so horrible. Now that is being restricted which will make the prison food costs increase unnecessarily.

9. Inmate jobs are very hard to get because there are not enough of them, and more are being eliminated, instead of trying to create them. This results in longer prison sentences because inmates have no way of earning the good time credit. All night time porter jobs were recently eliminated, putting dozens of inmates out of work.

10. A new camp is under construction outside the fence of SDCC, at the same time as the state is having budget problems and supposedly were to cut out all new construction. I wonder if the taxpayers are aware of this.

I hope that you can find an opportunity to address these subjects at the appropriate level so that our quality of living and parole issues can improve. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf.


(an inmate at SDCC)
P.O. Box 208,
Indian Springs, NV 89070